In the face of the pandemic that the world faces our Hotel has as a priority, the safety of our guests, as well as employees. We must unite to combat this threat, in order to stop it and return to the so desired “normality”.
Information to all our customers
We ask all our customers to respect basic hygiene and personal protection measures.
We call for the use of alcohol gel as well as the use of a mask whenever possible in the common facilities of the hotel, such as social rooms, reception, meeting rooms, elevators, etc.
All guests will be able to purchase a protective mask during their stay.
All touch points such as door handles, elevator buttons, reception, bathrooms, common areas and food preparation areas will be disinfected more frequently to protect everyone.
Measures and procedures adopted by the company:
In addition to the hygiene routines already implemented, more procedures were added specifically aimed at combating Covid-19, taking into account the hygiene guides / protocols of WHO (World Health Organization) and DGS (General Directorate of Health).
-All employees received specific information and / or training on the internal protocol for the COVID-19 coronavirus such as:
o Hand hygiene: wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol.
• Respiratory label: cough or sneeze into a tissue or flexed forearm; hand hygiene always after these acts; avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.
o Social measures: change the frequency and form of contact between workers and between them and customers, avoiding (when possible) close contact.
o Daily monitoring: evaluation of fever and verification of respiratory condition such as cough or difficulty breathing.
o Personal protective material in a sufficient number for our employees: Masks, Disposable gloves, Visors, Alcohol gel dispensers next to entry / exit points (70% min alcohol solution), non-manual opening dustbins , infrared thermometers, Isolation area designated for any suspicious case of either an employee or a guest.
The cleaning and sanitation protocol guarantees
o The definition of specific care for changing bedding and cleaning rooms
o Removing bed linen and towels without shaking or shaking, rolling them outwards, without touching the body and transporting them to the cleaning and disinfection service
o Washes will be done at higher temperatures, around 60ºC of bed linen and towels
The operation ensures
o That there is always a collaborator at the service responsible for triggering the procedures in case of suspected infection (accompanying the person with symptoms to the isolation space, providing the necessary assistance and contacting the national health service).
o The decontamination of the isolation area whenever there are positive cases of infection and reinforcement of cleaning and disinfection whenever there are patients suspected of infection, especially on surfaces frequently handled and most used by the same, as indicated by DGS.
o The storage of waste produced by patients suspected of infection in a plastic bag that, after being closed (eg with a clamp), must be segregated and sent to a licensed operator for the management of hospital waste with biological risk
Because your security is our security.